Stay Until I Wake Up Poem

I fear waking up without your scent next to me
Sleeping in your beautiful arms gives me a sense of confidence
I do not have any nightmares at when darkness comes at night
Whenever you stay until I wake up
Opening my eyes and seeing your smile
Makes my heart beat so fast only your kiss can slow it down
Your face is what I long to see
Whenever I hear the birds sing that it is morning already
Stay until I wake up
So I can tell you of the dream I had of you and me

A Frighteningly Beautiful Kiss Poem

You and I are one
I don’t know how to cut away from this kiss
This kiss that is more pure than anything I have known
A kiss filled with intense flavors too strong for me to hold
I do not understand how and why
My whole body still wants more
More of this exhilarating yet frighteningly beautiful kiss
I am afraid to stop for air
Because I do not want to miss a moment
Of this earth defying kiss

A Collision of The Hearts Poem

Our hearts did a collision
When our lips touched the core of our very existence
Every aroma of the senses evolving
Into something greater than we have ever known
Your absence has almost been the death of me
Till now
When I feel your arms around me once again
Sipping this cup of a warm substance
I imagine being with you incessantly
As forever is what we choose it to be

Nakupenda Pia Kiswahili Poem

Maisha hayawezi kunitoa kwa moyo wako
Jana usiku ilikuwa mwisho wa huzuni
Uliniweka katika hali ya kucheka na kutulia kwa roho yako
Mapenzi unayonipa yanifanya nipepee
Kama yule kipepeo mweupe tuliyemuona nje ya nyumba
Sitarudi nyuma wala kuwa na wasiwasi wowote
Kule tunapoenda ni muhimu kuliko tuliko toka
Mabali tujafika lakini mimi na wewe
Hakuna lolote laweza kutushinda
Nimekubali kuwa wako milele

Stay Until I Fall Asleep Poem

I am afraid to fall asleep without you holding me in your arms
For I don’t want to have a dreamless night
Knowing you have left my side when dusk settles in
Or feel the cold that hovers at night in your absence
I don’t want to know a sorrowful night
So you must stay until I fall asleep
I am used to your scent next to me when I go to bed
It is a comforting aroma that puts me in a peaceful trance
You are a bouquet of comfort
That I need beside me before sleep takes over my consciousness

Burberry Umbrella Wish Poem

A broken hearted girl
Sits on a cold hard bench
Watching as life slowly ebbs out of her
Waiting in fear of loneliness
The wind beating on her l innocence
Shivering and wishing for warmth
Her world had just crumbled down
Everything she knew to be true
Shattered into millions of pieces
She had loved with everything

Penzi Langu Kiswahili Poem

Nahisi utupu ndani ya nafsi yangu
Sababu yangu bila wewe
Haina maana kwangu
Nazama na uzito wa pendo lako

Ni Wewe Kiswahili Poem

Nakutuliza moyoni
Ulinipenda na roho yako yote
Ukanipa mahaba ya kutosha
Ambayo yaniloweza hadi sitamani yaishe
Penzi lako latuliza mawazo yangu
Mvua ikinyesha
Giza likiingia mawinguni
Unawasha taa na pendo lako
Na kufukuza upweke
Busu lako no tamu

Mapenzi Yetu Kiswahili Poem

Natafuta penzi lako
Busu lako lanitia wazimu
Natamani uwe wangu
Usiniache na kiu baada ya kuniloweza
Maisha naishi kwa upendo wako
Lepe la usingizi sipati usiku wote
Mchana nakuhitaji
Kama ardhi inavyotamani maji jangwani
Roho yaniuma ukienda
Nyumba yako ni ndani ya roho yangu

Mapenzi Yako Kiswahili Poem

Mpenzi wa roho yangu
Mapenzi haya yako
Nikikutazama machoni
Machozi hunidondokea
Hadi upweke wote uishe
Kama maji baridi
Yanavyotiririka mwilini
Wewe hunituliza vilivyo

He Said She Said Poem

He said
You deserve so much more than what I give you
She said
You give me enough
If I asked for more that would be me being selfish
And I cannot be selfish with you
He said
I cannot love you like you deserve
She said
Your love is what I live for each day

Home For My Secret Tears Poem

Your heart is where I keep my secret tears
The tears that no one is allowed to see
The tears I will not let anyone else wipe
These tears that keep falling
Just so my heart can stop being exhausted by pain
I know I will not cry now
Only later when my pillow and I are together
It won’t help melt the anger away
My knuckles are tightly bound
The veins almost exploding within my muscles

Milele Kiswahili Poem

Mapenzi unayonipa
Sijawahi kupata
Tazama machoni mwangu
Huwezi kupotea maishani

Pink Umbrella Poem

It feels like I have loved you for a thousand years
My heart beats fast
As I walk towards you veil on my face
You stand alone at the end of the isle
All the doubts I have seem to disappear
I have adored you all my life
All the beauty that I know
All the happiness I have experienced
Every breath that I have taken
Every hour spent searching

The Glass I Put On My Lips Poem

It still seats on the brown coaster on the glass table
The tears that I cried late into the night
Stain the pillow case I hold in my arms daily
Since I stopped hearing your footsteps coming
Buried in deep ghostly open spaces of emptiness
I have no reason to keep holding onto your memories
Selfish emotions run through my heart’s veins
Wanting you back yet without any other reason
I nurse internal injuries from broken promises made
The glass I put on my lips

If I Die Tonight Poem

I know you will discern that I love you
Chestnut embroidery on these pillow throws
The sensual warmth of lying next to you under a shade
Are memories that I will treasure in my dear heart
Lip staining kisses
Deep blushes
Lingering red velvet memories
Candlelight under the full moon
Melting secrets of the desires of the soul
Blossoming laughter that resonates on my chest

Classic Soul Ballads Poem

My heart is bleeding breaking apart
Piece by piece Layer by layer
I want to cry
I don’t have to
I shouldn’t
I can’t
I couldn’t
I won’t
I have no right to cry
I have not told you, you are all I want

He Waited Poem

He watched as I loved another
Smiled through a hurting heart when I laughed with him
Always there when I had my heart broken
He introduced us and said we would be happy together
My best friend that I told everything to
Advice when I needed it
Yet his heart had chosen to discretely love me too
There he stood from afar
Watching us
Unblinking teary eyes

I Have Been Rained On Poem

The pelting of the rain startled me from my daydream
It was him I had been thinking of
There was a joy I had found and closely kept in my heart
Closing my eyes I could still feel his lips on mine
The kiss insurmountable
A legend even
It was the way he held me close to his heart that wanted mine
Fingers entwined as if to chase away the cold
Love simmered and the ripples felt in my toes
My inner sanctum told of the warmth I sensed next to him

A Promise Not Kept Poem

I know I said it before that I will not fall in love
This easily
Now it seems I am backtracking on that promise
You have made me to break every single wall I put around my heart
Every glass door you have broken into pieces, millions of pieces
No glue can stack them back
You have melted the very soul of my selfishness
Brevity has gone from me, disappeared completely
Gone into the dust of the air, dew of the morning

I Don’t Have The Strength To Stay Away From You Poem

I have tried
I know I want to say goodbye
I want to say I have had enough of this love
A love I have kept in my heart all these years
A love built by innocence
Not knowing where I was going when I accepted your kiss
A love that kept my smile dancing on my lips
Your name I feel still belongs to me
I can’t move away from your grip needing your embrace
All these emotions I am used to cannot dissolve

The Phone Call Poem

You promised to call me tonight
More than a thousand miles separate us
The distance tells me you are my everything
3.00pm a burnt orange dusk prepares my heart
4.00pm I watch as the sun sets knowing I will hear your voice
5.00pm I still wait counting the minutes ticking away
6.00pm my heart has began to wobble and worry
7.00pm my arms want to reach for my phone
8.00pm I try to watch the darkness becoming thicker
9.00pm I keep my mind safe from obsessing about you

Echoes Fill The Rooms Of My Soul Poem

I have seen not, yet I have loved so much
This desolate feeling I have
Renowned to many yet few have chosen it
To ride in its midst a sacrifice I cannot take
Thrown in these rapturous emotions so profound and mighty
Still as the sea at sunset
Yet wild and destructive like a century old volcano
Spewing its contents forth
I have experienced it yet it feels so new to me
I choose not to forget

When You Look At Me That Way Poem

My breath comes back to me as smoothly as it left
I understand you have not been loved like this before
As long as you hold me, I will not let go
Away with the wind I wanted to leave
Yet your hands gripped mine so tight
You did not let the wind take me away from you
Invisible as I thought I was to you
It was so right that I let go of all the fears I had
Knocking me off my feet I felt your arms carry me
Your gaze I would not let go

Umbrella For My Tears Poem

I’m at that point in my life
Where I don’t want to exist anymore
It seems my life is never getting better
I feel like I am in this existence
Of a black hole with no end in sight
I don’t think I want to be here right now
I want life to get better not be this worse
I am wasting away and I need to get out
It’s not that I don’t care what happened
I just lost passion for life

Lost Find Me Here Poem

Love that does not make kindness
Is one that knows no sweetness?
Like a desert yearns for water
So does my heart for yours
Love created on this universe
Is only made possible by heaven
I fight
For the right to have you in my arms
Red velvet rose petals
Have found their place in my heart that is ready

There I See My Happiness Poem

Love that has been denied has been given back
In your tender mercies
I see that I have won your very love that I covet
Each day I know nothing can take your love away from me
As it is more than just a dream
I collect all succulent fruits from this garden
Pineapple segments
Black berries

Umbrella Kiss Poem

It hurt so much
Knowing you had walked away
Looking outside
Through the rain drenched window
I could still see your shadow moving away
The piercing in my heart would not stop
The short breaths became labored
As my soul shriveled up
The tears trailing my face
Dropping on the tiled floor

I Do Poem

I do feel your heart beating so loud like a thud
I do want to stay in your eyes forever
I do understand that dreams of you have already come true
I do know that darling you burn an eternal flame in my heart
I do see your love never leaving mine
I do love roses that you send me whenever I am feeling lost
I do hear the wind whisper in my ear
I do bless the day our destinies met
I do distinguish your voice from all others
I do not want to stop loving you

Show Me You Love Me Poem

I do not want to sleep facing the wall of my boudoir
Wondering if you will come back to my arms
I refuse to struggle to fall asleep because of this circle of darkness
It is a lesson in fear
Let your guard down and allow me in
Let yourself go further than this longing
Stand next to me when the rain thunders into the distance
You have said you love me
Now I need you to show me you love me
I cannot go further than this

Late At Night I See Poem

It is like seeing life through a Smokey screen
Moisture forms on this glass door, I know I do not have the strength
Strength enough to stay away from you
I am standing on the other side of the door
Looking through to your image that haunts me
Dew had formed on the grass in the morning
Gusts of the cold wind retell an abandoned night
Figuring out the senses of cold feet
Self driven to understand all these negative emotions
Injuring a soft spoken heart

I Bought A Rose Poem

You still haunt me at night time
I keep remembering your face next to me
Your cheeks softly bracing on mine
Your nose rubbing against my own, fingers interlinked into mine
The days do not seem to end quickly enough
All sent emails returned without an answer
I still wait for you to rediscover yourself to find your feelings
You loved me and was afraid you would hurt me one way or another
Said I would one day like to see you happy and not sad
That you would be happy to see me happy

I Would Give Anything To Fall In Love Poem

Grass keeps getting greener each day my heart is happy
To tame her heart and be in love with her is all I want
She has given me a reason to trust again
To love at its most natural and untainted form
Dear God,
Give me forever with her
I promise to keep her laughing morning to evening
Soothe her pain when she cannot take it anymore
All the faith she will put in me
I will guard as if it were my last breath on earth

Fireflies On A Wall Poem

We should not be found together
Yet like fireflies that shine brightest at night
So is our love
In the heaviness of dark stormy night
All I do is write put my feelings together on paper
My back on a wooden bed rest
Legs crossed to try and concentrate
Watching a love story unfold before me
The silence speaks volumes of the wisdom it hides
Been through enough anger

Map To Your Heart Poem

You had a broken heart that showed your blemish
A thicket of thorns surrounded your heart that pained
Drained by emotions that weighed heavily on your soul
You seemed exhausted by it all
Vowing never to let yourself be overtaken by temptations of the mind
No woman would ever come close to your vulnerability
Or feel you trembling in her arms
Love lost its full meaning and compassion in a heart beat
It is not so with me
I have drawn a map to your heart

Broken Tree House Poem

Creaking wood is all you can hear from afar
Cobwebbed corners is what you see even from outside
Moss filled walls cry for attention
As crumbling floors will not let you in
Dusty shelves speak volumes of the weight they carried
A broken ladder silently hoping for some redemption
Leaning branches weakly sway away in the blustery weather
These are the remains of our tree house
Neglected and left to fend itself from the mercies of a cold harsh wind
Predators that are like vultures waiting for their prey to fall and die

Sparkling Moonlight Poem

Just me and you under this sparkling moonlight
We have banished all harmful thoughts from our minds
The only thing remaining is the other’s bond in the midst of folly
Life was going too fast but we slowed it down
I came crushing on your bosom
Not knowing I would not be able to leave at will
On a crescent moon is when our eyes were drawn to each other
We both had a story to tell of our pasts
The betrayals we had fought endured and won with scars to show
You let me lie next to you without questions

Like Butterflies Poem

This is a fragrance from you that I cannot recognize
The scent we created together is gone
My nostrils are in chaos
Confused over the smell of your betrayal
Like butterflies find each other by sight
I had seen you from afar
My senses all knew you were to be the love that I most yearned for
The hairs on my neck stood still for a split second
I could hear the breeze going past my ears
There was an explosion of tingly feelings in my toes

Billionaire’s Love Poem

Your love wakes me up everyday
I only want to be loved by you
I could give you a billion reasons why I love you
Yet the only one that counts is that you love me back
Inside my heart you rest

Stories From Within Poem

I desire to see you in everything
The glory of light shining in your eyes
Given a tone of sweetness
Measured in dollops of delightful flavors
I am so in love with you
To the pint of falling into oblivion, Blue streaks of velvet lights
Dancing elegantly on your almost forsaken laugh
I never want to be the same again
Never will I yearn for another’s lost touch
My heart beats ever so elegantly without mistake

The Coffee Farm Romance Poem

The aroma wafting through my nostrils like fresh rain
Fallen on dark green dewy grass
Brings back my senses from a wonderful daydream
Only that it is not a daydream but a dream I live through
Here I lay on the rich red soil, moist yet dry enough not to soil my back
Every grain arranged in a rhythm like manner
Creating a divan of sorts for cushioning
I am alone inside the thick of these coffee bushes
Yet the moments feel so real remembering that day
That day you brought me closer to a smaller paradise

The Painter Poem

He is my canvas, a stroke of genius
One look at him and all the inspiration come flooding in
Songs of Solomon from the Bible clearly defined him
My lover is handsome and strong
He is one in ten thousand
His face is bronzed and smooth
His hair is wavy, black as a Raven.
His eyes are as beautiful as Doves by a flowing brook
Doves washed in milk and standing by the stream
His cheeks are as lovely as a garden

Rained On Roses Poem

Red roses in the rain
Drenched from yesterday’s downpour
A raging storm that never wanted to end
Like a ship from a far off land
Bringing back sons, fathers, friends, uncles, nephews
 And husbands even…from war
Their only resting place in the bosom of their loved ones
Believing the worst is over, every cold droplet of the rain
Wanting to dance on the petals of the delicate blooms
The door closed off from the world

The Agony Of Saying Goodbye Poem

It feels like I am the one
Who has been begging for us to have our relationship back
But I am alone now
This is the last letter I am writing to you my love
We cannot continue like this anymore
Because it hurts knowing you don’t love me any longer
I tried moving on with another
But I ended the relationship because all I thought was you
I hoped you would ask me back into your life
Last year I turned down a proposal from another man

Unforced Love Poem

How can I forget?
Leaning on your shoulder
Enjoying your love
Living the true happiness
Sharing my phobias with you
You not laughing
Helping me up
Each time I fell down
Every hope I kept in my heart
You helped come true

Kindle A Fire Poem

Like the quietness of the countryside
I listen to your heart beat
Thumping away slowly, slowly away
Under the cool blue sky
Or next to the slow blue currents
I wonder what you are thinking
Is it our love you reflect on?
The endless desire
I have for you
Is it the feelings you can’t explain?

Know Now Poem

The heart has reasons
That reason cannot understand
I heard someone say
None is too powerful
As not to bow down
At the heavy weight of love
Still they spoke
None so confident
As not to give in to love’s hypnotizing glance
None so selfish

Jinxed Embrace Poem

I tired
Tried to love you
With everything I had
I craved to be in your arms
Yearned every day for your touch
Became aware of your heart beat
Nothing I could not do for you
Forsake all others
You were the one I chose
I only saw you whenever there was a crowd

Jasmine Sweetness Poem

Just like the scent flowers produce
You give my life certain sweetness
Wobbling into you
Like a fruit flavored jelly
The aroma of your skin
Detoxifying all other needs
Creating detours
That leads to your heart
I never want to let go
Of this beautiful feeling

Just A Thought Poem

Why do my feet run to you?
Why do my eyes never leave you?
Why can’t my hands let go?
Why won’t my mind shut you off?
Could it be because…
My legs need to follow your stride
I feel safe looking in your eyes
Your hands are outstretched towards mine
My mind is filled with your dreams
When will my heart stop yearning?

© 2025 Chaotic Soul of a Poet
Maira Gall