Like Butterflies Poem

This is a fragrance from you that I cannot recognize
The scent we created together is gone
My nostrils are in chaos
Confused over the smell of your betrayal
Like butterflies find each other by sight
I had seen you from afar
My senses all knew you were to be the love that I most yearned for
The hairs on my neck stood still for a split second
I could hear the breeze going past my ears
There was an explosion of tingly feelings in my toes
My skin crawled with a trillion goose bumps
As my lips rumbled words without any coherent meaning
It was your scent that pulled me closer to you
Just as the male of the emperor and silk moths
Are sensitive to the female scent
That they can find females over a kilometer away
Yours was more than my hormones could handle
That I had to say yes to your strong chemistry
Your aroma was like food that is art
Ingredients combined, tossed, stirred, fried, mixed, and rubbed together
Or even blended to create a piece of edible architecture
So abstract yet natural enough to fascinate me
Our intimacy was therapy enough for my heavy soul
Your hand on my lower back your face on my shoulder
Pulling me in to the needs that defined us
Like butterflies taste with their feet
Ours did not struggle to recognize each other
The same way butterflies reach for nectar in deep throated flowers
The kiss of your lips crumbled me into pieces
Now I do not understand why your scent has changed
The perfume that I knew so well has become diluted
Have mercy on my now starving sentiments of you
Like butterflies I want to fly away and find sweet nectar
Return the delicate scent that bound us together

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© Chaotic Soul of a Poet
Maira Gall