Grass keeps getting greener each day my heart is happy
To tame her heart and be in love with her is all I want
She has given me a reason to trust again
To love at its most natural and untainted form
Dear God,
Give me forever with her
I promise to keep her laughing morning to evening
Soothe her pain when she cannot take it anymore
All the faith she will put in me
I will be her wind when she wants to fly
Her soft landing when she trips and falls
When she needs to be held
I will hold her until she stops trembling
The buffer of her anger will be my chest
My feet will never lead her to where it is not safe
Her solid ground I will ensure it never crumbles
All her love will be stored in my heart
My palms will hold her hand firmly without apprehension
Dear God
I will give anything to fall in love with her
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